I visited these templar gravestones at Kilmartin, Scotland in 2018.

I visited these templar gravestones at Kilmartin, Scotland in 2018.

Things I have made

My project when I learned stone carving and lettering in Edinburgh.

My project when I learned stone carving and lettering in Edinburgh.

One of the first things I made on my own. Later I learned this type of limestone isn’t the best for decorative designs because you can see the layers of oil (and it smells like oil)

One of the first things I made on my own. Later I learned this type of limestone isn’t the best for decorative designs because you can see the layers of oil (and it smells like oil)

50th anniversary memorial: [time-lapse video](https://player.vimeo.com/video/357688724)

50th anniversary memorial: time-lapse video

Unfinished reproduction of the [Dendera lights](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendera_light), with the [Ark of the Covenant](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjx3qPLvZ70AhVZQzABHQ3-C4MQFnoECAIQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FArk_of_the_Covenant&usg=AOvVaw21YPxj7hcwinI_PX-KAYv_)

Unfinished reproduction of the Dendera lights, with the Ark of the Covenant

Unfinished fleur de lys, attempt to see how much I can do in one day without power tools, to estimate a job (I will use power tools for the job, except for detail). Again, the wrong stone for this relief because you can see layers of oil. Even if you like the dark bands, it tends to break down faster when exposed to weather.

Unfinished fleur de lys, attempt to see how much I can do in one day without power tools, to estimate a job (I will use power tools for the job, except for detail). Again, the wrong stone for this relief because you can see layers of oil. Even if you like the dark bands, it tends to break down faster when exposed to weather.

My workspace at the stonemasonry school, CFP Le Granit, using a chasse & traceur to cut straight edges on granite.

My workspace at the stonemasonry school, CFP Le Granit, using a chasse & traceur to cut straight edges on granite.